Race 1 | 3. NOBLE SOLDIER | [Blinkers, Visors] |
| 5. GARDENZIO | [Blinkers] |
| 6. HERB | [Blinkers] |
| 7. HELL'S ITCH | [Lugging Bit] |
| 8. IT'S A WONDER | Blinkers ON, Kyneton Nose Band ON [Blinkers] |
| 9. MAH ALI | [Blinkers] |
| 10. RUSH ATTACK | [Blinkers] |
| 11. MISSILE SEEKER | [Blinkers] |
| 14. PRETTY SASSY | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 15. MY SHALOM | [Cross-over Nose Band] |
Race 2 | 1. LANG PARK | [Lugging Bit] |
| 2. KREON | [Blinkers, Synthetic Hoof Filler] |
| 3. POINT BASSE | Bandages (Front) ON, Gelded |
| 4. VEANDECHANCE | Blinkers ON [Blinkers] |
| 5. ENSIGN PARKER | Bubble Cheeker (Near Side) AGAIN |
| 6. WAL'S ANGELS | [Cross-over Nose Band, Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 7. BIDE YOUR TIME | Tongue Tie ON |
| 8. OENOLOGY | [Blinkers] |
| 9. OFF THE PRESS | Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) ON, Visors ON [Blinkers] |
| 11. EXIT FEE | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 12. KAYZ TIME | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 13. SPIRITS BURN DEEP | [Winkers] |
| 15. BALLINDERRY SAL | [Blinkers] |
| 16. HELLINDA | [Winkers] |
| 17. BOUND TO FIRE | [Cross-over Nose Band, Winkers] |
| 18. REET PETITE | Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) ON, Nose Roll ON |
| 19. MOUNTAIN CHATTER | [Winkers] |
Race 3 | 1. CADETSHIP | [Norton Bit] |
| 2. BAROQUE ROAD | Blinkers OFF, Cross-over Nose Band ON, Tongue Tie ON |
| 4. SALISANO | [Ear Muffs] |
| 5. STEP ASIDE | Blinkers ON [Blinkers] |
| 6. DEEP ROUGE | [Synthetic Hoof Filler] |
| 7. WINSTON HILLS | [Blinkers] |
| 8. FRENCH RULER | [Nasal Strip] |
| 10. LADY BOSS | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only), Tongue Tie] |
Race 4 | 1. BONITA QUEEN | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 2. PIASTRI | [Tongue Tie] |
| 3. COSMONOVA | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 4. BOSTON ROCKS | [Synthetic Hoof Filler] |
| 6. WALLENDA | [Cross-over Nose Band, Tongue Tie] |
| 7. CHINQUI | [Cross-over Nose Band] |
| 8. POLYGLOT | Blinkers FIRST TIME [Blinkers] |
| 10. AFTER MATCH | [Cross-over Nose Band, Ear Muffs, Lugging Bit] |
| 11. PRIDE TO FOLLOW | [Blinkers] |
| 12. THEBLADE | Cross-over Nose Band ON |
| 13. ART'S ALIVE | [Blinkers, Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
Race 5 | 3. SCARLET OAK | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only), Lugging Bit] |
| 4. FIRESTORM | [Blinkers] |
| 5. ELETTRICA | [Blinkers] |
| 6. OUR GOLD HOPE | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 7. WATCH MY GIRL | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 9. DARK GLITTER | [Blinkers] |
Race 6 | 3. WODETON | [Lugging Bit] |
| 4. BEIWACHT | [Lugging Bit] |
| 5. STEEL KNIGHT | [Cross-over Nose Band, Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 7. BRAT SUMMER | [Blinkers] |
| 8. GAMBLER | Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) ON, Gelded |
| 10. BEL MERCI | [Lugging Bit] |
Race 7 | 1. CIRCLE OF FIRE | [Norton Bit] |
| 2. ATHABASCAN | [Nose Roll] |
| 4. FRANCESCO GUARDI | [Synthetic Hoof Filler] |
| 5. PALMETTO | [Tongue Tie] |
| 6. ZECHARIAH | Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) ON, Lugging Bit ON |
| 7. ETNA ROSSO | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only), Lugging Bit] |
| 8. REDSTONE WELL | [Cross-over Nose Band] |
| 11. OUR ANCHORAGE | [Tongue Tie] |
| 13. DON DIEGO DE VEGA | [Cross-over Nose Band, Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
Race 8 | 1. BROADSIDING | [Lugging Bit] |
| 2. MAYFAIR | Tongue Control Bit OFF, Tongue Tie ON [Blinkers] |
| 3. LINEBACKER | Cross-over Nose Band ON, Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) ON |
| 4. PUBLIC ATTENTION | [Blinkers] |
| 6. JUST PARTY | Blinkers OFF |
| 7. FIRM AGREEMENT | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 8. SWIFTFALCON | [Winkers] |
| 9. GOODLUCKTOME | [Tongue Tie] |
| 10. TENBURY WELLS | Cross-over Nose Band OFF, Gelded [Blinkers] |
| 11. AELIANA | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
Race 9 | 1. COASTWATCH | [Blinkers, Tongue Tie] |
| 2. BOLD MAC | Blinkers OFF, Lugging Bit ON, Norton Bit OFF [Blinkers] |
| 3. WEST OF AFRICA | [Cross-over Nose Band] |
| 4. HIGHLIGHTS | [Synthetic Hoof Filler] |
| 5. SIBAAQ | Blinkers OFF [Blinkers] |
| 7. DUCASSE | Gelded |
| 8. FIRESTORM | [Blinkers] |
| 9. BEL AIR | Glue on Shoes (Front) OFF [Blinkers] |
| 10. SCARLET OAK | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only), Lugging Bit] |
| 11. HEADLEY GRANGE | Blinkers ON [Blinkers] |
| 12. BUILLT | [Blinkers] |
| 13. HELLSING | [Cross-over Nose Band] |
Race 10 | 1. BRUDENELL | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 2. HEADWALL | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |
| 3. BACCHANALIA | Blinkers OFF [Blinkers] |
| 4. SEMILLION | [Winkers] |
| 5. SHEZANALISTER | [Blinkers, Tongue Tie] |
| 6. QUICK TEMPO | Glue on Shoes (Front) OFF |
| 7. TIME TO BOOGIE | Blinkers ON, Winkers OFF [Blinkers] |
| 8. BEAST MODE | [Lugging Bit] |
| 9. AUSTMARR | [Barrier Extension] |
| 11. COSMONOVA | [Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)] |